12.Sınıf İngilizce Ders Kitabı MEB Yayınları 3.Ünite Cevapları (31-40 Sayfalar) Human Rights

12.Sınıf İngilizce Ders Kitabı MEB Yayınları 3.Ünite Cevapları (31-40 Sayfalar) Human Rights
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12.Sınıf İngilizce Kitabı MEB Yayınları 3.ünite Cevapları 12.Sınıf İngilizce Ders Kitabı MEB Yayınları 3.Ünite Cevapları (31-40 Sayfalar) Human Rights

12.Sınıf İngilizce Ders Kitabı Üniteleri

  • 1.ÜNİTE: MUSIC (11-20 Sayfalar)
  • 2.ÜNİTE: FRIENDSHIP (21-30 Sayfalar)
  • 3.ÜNİTE: HUMAN RIGHTS (31-40 Sayfalar)
  • 4.ÜNİTE: COMING SOON (41-48 Sayfalar)
  • 5.ÜNİTE: PSYCHOLOGY (49-56 Sayfalar)
  • 6.ÜNİTE: FAVORS (57-68 Sayfalar)
  • 7.ÜNİTE: NEWS STORIES (67-74 Sayfalar)
  • 8.ÜNİTE: ALTERNATIVE ENERGY (75-84 Sayfalar)
  • 9.ÜNİTE: TECHNOLOGY (85-94 Sayfalar)
  • 10.ÜNİTE: MANNERS (95-104 Sayfalar)

12.Sınıf İngilizce 3.Ünite Kelimeleri

  • abolish v /əˈbɑlɪʃ/
  • abuse v /əˈbjuːz/
  • allocate v /ˈaləˌkāt/
  • appreciate v /əˈprēSHēˌāt/
  • asylum n /əˈsīləm/
  • blind n /blaɪnd/
  • conscience n /ˈkän(t)SHəns/
  • copyright n /ˈkɑpiˌraɪt/
  • deaf n /def/
  • developing adj /dɪˈvɛləpɪŋ/
  • dignity n /ˈdiɡnədē/
  • disabled adj /ˌdisˈāb(ə)ld/
  • disadvantaged adj /ˌdisədˈvan(t)ijd/
  • discrimination n /dəˌskriməˈnāSH(ə)n/
  • do away with phr v /du əˈweɪ wɪð/
  • donation n /dōˈnāSH(ə)n/
  • equality n /əˈkwälədē/
  • execution n /ˌeksəˈkyo͞oSH(ə)n/
  • fair adj /fɛr/
  • freedom n /ˈfridəm/
  • gender n /ˈdʒɛndər/
  • guilty adj /ˈɡɪlti/
  • homeless adj /ˈhōmləs/
  • hope n /hōp/
  • host v /hōst/
  • human right n /ˈ(h)jumən raɪt/
  • humanity n /(h)yo͞oˈmanədē/

12.Sınıf İngilizce Ders Kitabı Cevapları MEB Yayınları 3.ünite Cevapları

12.Sınıf İngilizce MEB Yayınları Ders Kitabı Cevapları Sayfa 31

12.Sınıf İngilizce MEB Yayınları Ders Kitabı Cevapları Sayfa 32

1B. Take a quick look at the text and find out which of the phrases in the box are deal with in each paragraph. Write the number of the paragraph beside each phrase.  More than one option is possible.(Metne hızlıca bir göz atın ve kutudaki ifadelerden hangisinin her paragrafta ele alındığını öğrenin. Her cümlenin yanına paragraf numarasını yazın. Birden fazla seçenek mümkündür.)

  • 3 gender inequality
  • 1 the importance of an ofcial reference
  • 5 animal rights
  • 3 women’s rights
  • 2-4 disadvantaged people/ groups
  • 3-4 children’s rights

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1c. Read the text and answer the questions.(Metni oku ve soruları yanıtla.)

  1. The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights is recognized and referred to as the ofcial reference of human rights. It gives clear defnitions of rights and freedoms through articles.
  2. Being an independent state is important for human rights to be adopted and applied.
  3. In Syria, millions including women, children, old people, civilians have had to immigrate to neighboring countries and some couldn’t get out of the war and got stuck. They have died or lived a disadvantaged life as injured, disabled people or as people without running water, a home to sleep in, schools, enough food supplies.
  4. Inequality in education of children, unemployment problem for the disabled, social security problems are still waiting to be resolved in some developed countries.
  5.  We are responsible for the rights of animals because we share this planet with other creatures, animals and the wild must be treated fairly.

2A. Below is an extract from a simplified from of Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens. It is about the first moments of Oliver his birth. Read it and discuss the following questions with your classmates.(Aşağıda, Charles Dickens tarafından Oliver Twist’ten basitleştirilmiş bir alıntı bulunmaktadır. Oliver’ın doğumunun ilk anları hakkında. Okuyun ve aşağıdaki soruları sınıf arkadaşlarınızla tartışın.)

1. Everybody is born equal.

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2D. Reread the text and answer the questions.(Metni tekrar okuyun ve soruları cevaplayın.)

1. According to the writer, some people are not aware of being able to walk to the toilet on your own is a great gift but they can realize this only when they have a broken or injured leg.
2. Students’ own answers (kendi Cevabınız)
3. a, d, e, f

2E. Work in pairs. Discuss everyday lives of the disadvantaged in the world and make a list of the problems you think they suffer. Then, share them with your friends.(Çiftler halinde çalışın. Dünyadaki dezavantajlıların günlük yaşamlarını tartışın ve yaşadıklarını düşündüğünüz sorunların bir listesini yapın. Ardından, bunları arkadaşlarınızla paylaşın.)

  • The walking disabled have difficulty when they cross the street due to the cars parked on the wheelchair ramps. The disadvantaged people aren’t given sufficient chance to be employed in different departments of public institutions.

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3B. Reread the text and find out other good examples of human rights.(Metni yeniden okuyun ve insan haklarına ilişkin diğer iyi örnekleri bulun.)

  • The ‘No to Racism’ campaign by UEFA, FIFA’s recognizing Kosovo and declaring it as the group’s 210th member, Some metropolitan have allocated areas or squares so that people can hold activities related to their cultures, thoughts, beliefs, etc., Turkey has introduced new laws to protect manufacturers’ and consumers’ rights in the last couple of decades.

3C. Read the text and answer the questions.(Metni oku ve soruları yanıtla.)

  1. The purpose of UEFA through the ‘No to Racism’ campaign is to raise public awareness of intolerance and discrimination in football.
  2. Because people can shout slogans, arrange activities, run stalls to fulfill and promote their cultural, political or religious requirements, products or activities at the park.
  3. In Turkey, any application regarding violation of copyrights regulation is taken seriously and pursued by officials.

3D. Study the text. one bold sentence in each paragraph is the topic sentence and the other two bold sentences are the supporting ideas . Write ‘T’ for topic sentences and ‘S’ for the supporting ideas in the boxes.(Metni inceleyin. her paragraftaki bir kalın cümle konu cümlesidir ve diğer iki kalın cümle destekleyici fikirlerdir. Konu cümleleri için “T” ve kutulardaki destekleyici fikirler için “S” yazın.)

  • The world of sports, especially that of football, has been displaying nice examples of fght against discrimination.
  • The ‘No to Racism’ campaign by UEFA aims to raise public awareness of intolerance and discrimination in football.
  • FIFA’s recognizing Kosovo and declaring it as the group’s 210th member can be seen as another example of human rights.
  • Some metropolitans have allocated areas or squares so that people can hold activities related to their cultures, thoughts, beliefs, etc.
  • Perhaps, the most famous of these is London’s Hyde Park.
  • The Red Square of Russia is associated with demonstrations as well.
  • Turkey has introduced new laws to protect manufacturers’ and consumers’ rights in the last couple of decades and reflections of these laws can be seen in everyday life.
  • Consumers rights units have been formed in governorship ofces across the country.
  • Any application regarding violation of copyrights regulation is taken seriously and pursued by ofcials.

4A. Mrs. Emily Merits is giving the opening speech at the meeting of the Human Rights club.(Emily Merits, İnsan Hakları kulübünün toplantısında açılış konuşmasını yapıyor.)

  1. human rights abuses,
  2. disadvantaged groups

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5A. Study the essay and circle the better choice to complete the sentences about it correctly.(Makaleyi inceleyin ve bu cümleyi doğru şekilde tamamlamak için daha iyi bir seçim yapın.)

  1.  a
  2.  b
  3.  a
  4.  b

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B. Below are some categories of disadvantaged groups and some solutions to their problems. Match the solutions the categories.(Aşağıda dezavantajlı grupların bazı kategorileri ve sorunlarına bazı çözümler verilmiştir. Çözümleri kategorilerle eşleştirin.)

1. c
2. b
3. a

12.Sınıf İngilizce MEB Yayınları Ders Kitabı Cevapları Sayfa 39

6A. Below are some articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and statements of some human rights’ abuses victims. Write article do you think is related to each of the statements? Write the article number beside each statement.More than one option is possible.(Aşağıda İnsan Hakları Evrensel Beyannamesi’nin bazı maddeleri ve bazı insan hakları mağdurlarının mağdurlarının ifadeleri yer almaktadır. Her bir ifadeyle ilgili olduğunu düşündüğünüz makaleyi yazın? Makale numarasını her ifadenin yanına yazın. Birden fazla seçenek mümkündür.)

  • Moussa: 2, 4, 5, 13, 14, 15, 19
  • Jennifer: 17
  • Joma: 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 16, 18, 19
  • Solmon: 1, 6, 7, 18

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B. You will hear some people. In their statements, each has positive and negative expressions related to human rights.(Bazı insanları duyacaksınız. İfadelerinde, her birinin insan hakları ile ilgili olumlu ve olumsuz ifadeleri vardır. )

  • Meriam: fair-unfair
  • Ali : freedom-slavery
  • Tom : innocent-guilty

7B. Read and determine the stress patterns of the words. The, listen and check.(Kelimelerin stres kalıplarını okuyun ve belirleyin. Dinle ve kontrol et.)

1. television tel-e-VI-Sion
2. themselves them-SELVES
3. Mr. Thomas Mr. THOMAS
4. ourselves our-SELVES
5. guarantee guard-an-TEE
6. bedroom bed-ROOM
7. Carnegie Hall Carnegie HALL
8. policeman POLICE-man
9. one hundred ONE hound-red
10. technician tech-NI-cian
11. eighty EIGHT-y
12. realistic re-al-IS-tic
13. taboo ta-BOO
14. dining table DINING-table
15. democratic dem-o-CRAT-ic
16. concentration con-cen-TRA-tion
17. bamboo bam-BOO
18. greenhouse GREEN-house

12.Sınıf İngilizce MEB Yayınları TÜM ÜNİTELER CEVAPLARI

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12.Sınıf İngilizce Ders Kitabı Cevapları MEB Yayınları


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