10.Sınıf İngilizce Ders Kitabı Cevapları Gizem Yayınları 4.ünite (49-60 Sayfalar) Traditions

10.Sınıf İngilizce Ders Kitabı Cevapları Gizem Yayınları 4.ünite (49-60 Sayfalar) Traditions
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10.Sınıf Gizem İngilizce Kitabı 4.ünite Cevapları. 10.Sınıf İngilizce Ders Kitabı Cevapları Gizem Yayınları Cevapları 4.ünite (49-60 Sayfalar) Traditions

10.Sınıf İngilizce Ders Kitabı Üniteleri

  • 1.ÜNİTE: SCHOOL LIFE (9-22 Sayfalar)
  • 2.ÜNİTE: PLANS (23-36 Sayfalar)
  • 3.ÜNİTE: LEGENDARY FIGURES (37-48 Sayfalar)
  • 4.ÜNİTE: TRADITIONS (49-60 Sayfalar)
  • 5.ÜNİTE: TRAVEL (61-74 Sayfalar)
  • 6.ÜNİTE: HELPFUL TIPS (75-88 Sayfalar)
  • 7.ÜNİTE: FOOD AND FESTIVALS (89-102 Sayfalar)
  • 8.ÜNİTE: DIGITAL ERA (103-116 Sayfalar)
  • 9.ÜNİTE: MODERN HEROES AND HEROINES (117-128 Sayfalar)
  • 10.ÜNİTE: SHOPPING (129-142 Sayfalar)

10.Sınıf İngilizce 4.ünite Kelimeleri

  • ancestor:Ata
  • baby tooth:bebek dişi
  • bride:gelin
  • contact:temas
  • crown:taç
  • custom:görenek
  • device:cihaz
  • development:gelişme
  • embroidery:nakış
  • firework:havai fişek
  • groom:damat
  • henna:kına
  • identity:Kimlik
  • inherit:miras almak
  • obey:itaat etmek
  • obtain:elde etmek
  • protect:korumak
  • respect:saygı
  • sewing machine:dikiş makinesi
  • shadow play:gölge oyunu
  • take off:havalanmak
  • tradition:gelenek
  • traditional:geleneksel
  • wealthy:zengin

10.Sınıf İngilizce 4.ünite List of Idioms/ Proverbs

  • back someone up:birisini desteklemek
  • break with tradition:gelenekten kopmak
  • by tradition:geleneklere göre
  • through thick and thin:iyi ve kötü günde
  • tradition has it that:geleneğe sahip

10.Sınıf İngilizce Ders Kitabı Cevapları Gizem Yayınları 4.ünite

10.Sınıf İngilizce Ders Kitabı Cevapları Sayfa 50 Gizem yayınları

A.Watch the documentary and complete the chart. (Video 4.1) (Belgeseli izleyin ve çizelgeyi tamamlayın. (Video 4.1)

  1. JAPAN
  2. ITALY
  7. INDIA

10.Sınıf İngilizce Ders Kitabı Cevapları Sayfa 51 Gizem yayınları

B. Watch the second documentary and complete the chart below. (Video 4.2)( İkinci belgeseli izleyin ve aşağıdaki tabloyu doldurun. )

  1. elderly
  2. religious holidays
  3. neighbors
  4. postcards
  5. online
  6. local library

A. Work in pairs. Look at activity A in While You View and read the traditions in the chart. Take turns to talk about them. Make sentences as in the example.(Çiftler halinde çalışın. Derken Aktivite A’ya bakınız Tablodaki gelenekleri görüntüleyin ve okuyun. Sırayla onlar hakkında konuşun. Örnekteki gibi cümleler kurunuz .)

  • It’s a common tradition for Japanese people (the Japanese) to take off their shoes when they enter a house.
  • It’s a common tradition for Italian people (Italians) to cover their shoulders and knees when they enter a church.
  • It’s a common tradition for Icelanders to give each other books as gifts on Christmas Eve and spend the evening reading together.
  • It’s a common tradition for Brazilians to eat lentil soup on New Year’s Day. They hope they’ll become wealthy in the coming year.
  • It’s a common tradition for Irish brides to carry a horseshoe at the wedding ceremony as people believe this will bring good luck.
  • It’s a common tradition for Norwegian brides to wear a silver crown on the wedding day as people believe this will protect them from evil spirits.
  • It’s a common tradition for Indian people/ women to apply henna to the hands and feet of the bride, and sometimes the groom, before the wedding ceremony
  • It’s a common tradition for Portuguese children to put their baby teeth under their pillows. They believe the tooth fairy will take them at night and leave some money instead.
  • It’s a common tradition for Greek children to throw their baby teeth onto the roof of their homes and wish for new strong and healthy teeth.

C. Work with a different partner. Look at activity B in While You View and read the traditions in the chart. Take turns to talk about them. Make sentences as in the example.(Farklı bir ortakla çalışın. Süre İçinde B aktivitesine bakın ve tablodaki gelenekleri okuyun. Sırayla onlar hakkında konuşun. Örnekteki gibi cümleler kurunuz.)

  • People used to respect the elderly in the past but now the young generally ignore them.
  • People used to visit their relatives during religious holidays but now they usually go to a holiday resort instead.
  • People used to help their neighbors with their problems but now many people don’t even greet each other.
  • People used to post each other postcards on special occasions but now they just send text messages.
  • People used to go to the grocer’s nearby to shop for food but now they usually prefer supermarkets and even online shopping.
  • Students used to go to the local library to do their homework but now they surf the Net for their homework

10.Sınıf İngilizce Ders Kitabı Cevapları Sayfa 52 Gizem yayınları

C. Read the words in the box below. Listen and put them in the correct column. (Audio 4.2)(Aşağıdaki kutudaki kelimeleri okuyun. Onları dinleyin ve doğru sütuna koyun. )


F. Listen carefully. Which words do you hear? Underline them. (Audio 4.4)(Dikkatli dinle. Hangi kelimeleri duyuyorsun? Onların altını çiz.)

  1. tree
  2. thin
  3. thank
  4. true

10.Sınıf İngilizce Ders Kitabı Cevapları Sayfa 53 Gizem yayınları

 B. Look at the pictures. Label them using the words above.(Resimlere bak. Yukarıdaki kelimeleri kullanarak etiketleyin. )

  1. sewing machine
  2. shadow play
  3. embroidery

10.Sınıf İngilizce Ders Kitabı Cevapları Sayfa 54 Gizem yayınları

While You Listen

Listen to the speaker and complete the chart. (Audio 4.5)(Konuşmayı dinleyin ve grafiği tamamlayın.)

  1. relatives
  2. for a picnic
  3. open-air cinemas
  4. shadow plays
  5. make clothes
  6. embroider
  7. expensive toys

A. Is the speaker happy with the changes in the traditions? How do you feel about them?

  • No, he isn’t happy with them.

B. Work in pairs. Look at the chart in While You Listen. Take turns to talk about the traditions.(Çiftler halinde çalışın. Sen Dinlerken içindeki grafiğe bak. Gelenekler hakkında konuşmaya sırayla.)

  • All the neighbors used to know each other very well. They were just like relatives. They used to support each other.
  • Neighbors used to do many things together. For example, they used to go for a picnic some weekends and everybody used to have a great time outdoors.
  • In summer evenings, people used to go to the open-air cinemas. They used to like watching a People used to watch shadow plays. They used to love the characters Karagöz and Hacivat.
  • Most mothers had a sewing machine and they used to make clothes for their children. They didn’t use to buy them.
  • Women used to be good at embroidery. During the summer holidays, many teenage girls used to embroider with their mothers.
  • Children used to spend hours outside with their friends. They used to play games together. They used to climb trees. They used to make their own toys. Children didn’t use to have expensive toys but they were really happy.  movie under the stars.

B. Read each explanation below and fill in the correct idiom.(Aşağıdaki her bir açıklamayı okuyun ve doğru deyimi girin )

  1. through thick and thin
  2. backs us up

10.Sınıf İngilizce Ders Kitabı Cevapları Sayfa 56 Gizem yayınları

A. Read the first part of the interview from the Teen Focus magazine. Choose the correct answer.(Teen Focus dergisinden röportajın ilk bölümünü okuyun. Doğru cevabı seç.)

The text is about the …………………………………………………………………………. lives of people in the past.
a. social b. educational c. technological


B. Read the statements below. Then read the text again and circle T for true or F for false for each statement.(Aşağıdaki ifadeleri okuyun. Sonra metni tekrar okuyun ve her bir ifade için T’yi true olarak, F için false çevirin.)

  1. T
  2. F
  3. F
  4. F
  5. T
  6. F
  7. T
  8. T

10.Sınıf İngilizce Ders Kitabı Cevapları Sayfa 57 Gizem yayınları

C. Read the second part of the interview. Choose the correct answer. What’s the following.(Röportajın ikinci bölümünü okuyun. Doğru cevabı seç. Aşağıdaki nedir? )

a. the educational lives of people in the past
b. the technological lives of people in the past
c. both

10.Sınıf İngilizce Ders Kitabı Cevapları Sayfa 58 Gizem yayınları

Read the text in activity C again and look at the pictures below. Which technological devices does Mr. Brown mention? Tick (V) the correct pictures. (C aktivitesindeki metni tekrar okuyun ve aşağıdaki resimlere bakın. Brown hangi teknolojik cihazlardan bahsetmektedir? Doğru resimleri işaretleyin (V). )


10.Sınıf İngilizce Ders Kitabı Cevapları Sayfa 59 Gizem yayınları

B.Match the idioms with their meaning.(Deyimleri anlamları ile eşleştirin. )

  1. b
  2. c
  3. a

10.Sınıf İngilizce Gizem Yayınları TÜM ÜNİTELER CEVAPLARI

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10.Sınıf İngilizce Ders Kitabı Cevapları Gizem Yayınları

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